Monday, April 22, 2013

News and other updates

BULLISH -- Danske 3 month forecasts:
  • EURUSD to hit 1.33 (now trades 3044)
    • [US growth] USA is growing softly.
    • [US QE] Thinks the market will continue to expect Fed to postpone QE exit.
    • [Positioning] Sees market positioning is short, so short covering will support the pair.
    • [Yen QE] Surprised by strength of yen crossflow support.
    • [Eurozone] Expects EZ tail-risk concerns to fade.
  • EURGBP to hit 0.88 (now trades 8562)
    • Thinks market has underestimated risk of BoE easing.
  • EURJPY to hit 136 (now 130.18)
    • Yen to continue weakening due to fiscal tightening and monetary easing.
BULLISH -- Goldman:
  • EURUSD to hit 1.36-1.40
    • External balance of Eurozone is solid vs USA
    • Expects eurozone risk premia to unwind
BULLISH -- JP Morgan
  • EURUSD to hit 1.32 for Q2...and 1.34 for Q4
    • Japanese investors may begin purchasing ITA/SPA debt?
    • EZ PMI moves above 50?
    • LTRO repayments imply less than 200B of excess liquidity?
    • US debt ceiling debate spurs interest in other reserve currencies?
    • Italy moves to 2nd elections?
    • Fed signals early end to QE?
    • ECB cuts rates 50bps due to recession?
    • Downgrade of Spain/Italy to sub-investment grade?

BEARISH -- Credit Agricole:
  • Sell EURUSD on rallies
    • Particularly if ECB cut rates due to poor data and inflation
    • German growth prospects muted given lacklustre external demand
    • Risk of ECB monetary easing is rising
  • Expects EURUSD to be 1.27 in 2 months.

News and events this week:
  1. Tues: Flash PMIs
  2. Wed: German IFO
  3. Fri: USA Q1 GDP

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