Thursday, August 1, 2013

Great lessons from Anton Kreil (from Billion Dollar Day)

Some good lessons, particularly in parts 3 & 4

Part 5: "They will tell you things you want to hear, all the time. What people want to hear is that everyone can do it, its easy and you can make $10,000 a month trading the international forex markets...if you follow this line on a chart, yeah? (laughs) Complete nonsense. ... A lot of these people with conflicts of interest will tell you that stuff, but its obviously a lot more difficult than that.

Trading can be straightforward, but you've got to take an approach where you've got to be very cynical and a little bit angry at the world, because the rest of the world is there to take your money, right? (laughs)

So, if you're a little bit cynical and a little bit angry, it's a good basis to start trading. Because you're going to question everything. .... That's a very good basis in life anyway, but especially in trading."

1 comment:

  1. "You've got to be a little bit angry and cynical."

    So true. For anyone who has had an idea of giving up the working life of 9-5 would have had the interest to do trading. With trading you get the feeling that you've 'cut' the middlemen regulating your wages (which is basically a sum of money enough to get you to pay your bus fair the next day to get to work). With trading you know where your money is coming from and it's made entirely made by your own effort. You're first in line of the ins and outs of the economy therefore better prepared for better or worse.
