Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm back

Yeah sorta...just dropping a line to say no I haven't forgotten about this place.  I've relocated to and

But I've still got a heart for this blog. It's not so easy to verbalise my trading thoughts on facebook or twitter. But I do find that posting quick links to interesting articles to those formats much easier. Perhaps I need to diarise my trading activity here, and keep news flows to facebook and twitter.

I'll come back later on this week to summarise where I'm at currently....since my last blog of May 2012 (10 months!!).

Edit (Thursday): Feeling pretty damn good about this place so far, I'm satisfied with the revamp of MvM to date. As you can see I've altered the layout, introduced a 3D word cloud, tagged my posts to populated the cloud, added some new news and commentary links, changed the colour from black to white for easier reading (I've decided I like my charts black, and my webpages white), amongst other things. Now I gotta figure out how to link up my twitter and Facebook accounts...

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