Friday, May 3, 2013

So what went wrong last night?

I went to bed spewing for at least the next 2 hours.  Woke up this morning feeling 70% better, with residue shittyness still there. Why? What went wrong and how to fix this?

Simple answer is that I lacked the confidence (to perform) that comes with proper preparation.

My attention was half focused during the trade (and the whole day leading into it), and I should have put in at least a few hours of proper thinking & research and played out the potential scenarios and my responses to them.

My money management was fine. My trade logic was OK but could have done with more homework. My entry levels were (in retrospect) fine. If I did my homework, I would have had the confidence to increase size when ECB said they were open to further cuts, instead of getting scared out.

Note to self to do some trader psychology reading in Samoa:

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